Rhyme about writing rhymes
The Purple Cow and its follow-on verse are readily found online11 e.g. from Wikipedia. The little frog is not; I don’t know its author, but it runs
The little frog is colored pink.
What does the pinky froggy think?
I’ll tell you what the froggy thunk:
It thunk ker-chunk ker-chunk ker-chunk.
Untitled Poem
When I was young I learned the rhyme
The little frog was colored pink;
It was a poem that made me think.
And soon enough, in course of time,
I learned another bit of verse,
I’ve never seen a purple cow.
And also learned of Burgess how
He two years latter added to it
Threats lest anyone should quote it.
Although my rhymes are clearly worse,
These rhymes are two I keep in mind
When Friday morn I try to find
A bit of doggerel to flog
To all the readers of my blog.