Friday Poem
© 2023-06-30 Luther Tychonievich
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
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A marketing jingle for Stirling engines

Closed hot-air engines were patented by Robert Stirling in 1816 but never really caught on, in part because his design required high-temperature pistons which are very difficult to engineer. They’ve been revisited and improved several times since then, including multiple designs without high-temperature pistons, but still have only a very small share of the engine market.

I thought I’d try my hand at a marketing jingle for them.

Stirling engine jingle

Buy our engines, made of steel!
Shiny looks, smooth to the feel!
Any heat can make them run,
And they’ll run ’til heat is gone!
Steam needs water, cars need gas,
Trucks need diesel to run fast.
Not our engines; they just run,
E’en if heated by the sun!
Buy our engines, now for less!
Do you want one? Answer Yes!